[hatari-devel] STT disk image format support for Hatari?

Nicolas Pomarède npomarede at corp.free.fr
Sat Oct 22 10:46:09 CEST 2011

Le 21/10/2011 19:57, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
> Hi,
>  From my point of view, I would prefer pasti or IPF formats
> Regards
> Laurent


the STT format is too intermediate between .ST and pasti/ipf to solve 
all the copy pretection problems.

It contains the raw + sector + id data, but not all the timings/bits 
informations from pasti/ipf, so it's not sure you would always be able 
to emulate the FDC's status register and pass all copy protections.

It would be easy to extract the data from the STT file to create a .ST 
files, except this file would certainly not work as we can guess that if 
a disk was imaged with STT format that's because it didn't work with 
simpler ST format.

As IPF/Pasti are able to image disk with much more 
informations/accuracy, I don't think it's useful to support STT, all 
possible STT files you will find certainly exist in Pasti/IPF format.


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