[hatari-devel] Merge to latest winuae core

Laurent Sallafranque laurent.sallafranque at free.fr
Mon Oct 10 22:52:27 CEST 2011


My first attempt to merge to the latest winuae core is KO.
The new core is unstable.

I'll do it again, step by step.

Here is my first analysis :

table68k     : no change
build68k.c   : no change
read68k.c    : no change
read68k.h    : no change
m68k.h       : no change
compat.h     : no change (added by me to minimize the changes in 
winuae's code)
cpummu.h     : no change (but TRY CATCH THROW THROW_AGAIN not ported 
correctly to c --> doesn't work in actual and new core)
cpummu.c     : no change (same comment as above)

This means that the heart of the new core is the same as the actual one.

cpu_prefetch.h, gencpu, newcpu --> Many changes

memory.c and memory.h --> the actual code is closer to old core's file, 
but includes the new core's parameters (I think it's not changed)

custom.c (this file has changed a lot, but it contains a lot of code 
specific to amiga). I think it would probably be better (for this file 
only) to only include the cpu's code.

I'll give it another try.



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