[hatari-devel] New WinUae core merging question
Laurent Sallafranque
laurent.sallafranque at free.fr
Fri Oct 7 22:17:45 CEST 2011
Hi all,
I've nearly finished to merge the new WinUae core into hatari.
I've reincluded some parts of the winuae code I had deleted last time,
and I've added comments (prefixed by laurent:) each time I've done some
changes (for future merges understanding).
I've got one problem with newcpu.c
They've changed the function Exception() from
void Exception(int nr, uaecptr oldpc, int ExceptionSource)
void REGPARAM2 Exception (int nr)
oldpc is removed, either is ExceptionSource.
Exception is called many times from the cpucores, but also from Hatari
code (m68000.c for example).
All functions called by exception (exception_normal, Exception_ce000 and
exception_mmu) need also to be changed.
I've got 2 possibilities to fix that :
1) patching the whole gencpu.c code+ all other winuae new core functions
that call Exception
2) patching all the rest of Hatari's code to remove the oldpc and
ExceptionSource parameters.
I can add a variable which would be set to M68000_EXC_SRC_CPU by
default and would be changed by the actual value in all hatari's function.
Then, I would use this variable in Exception () and it's derivated
Any preference here ?
If you need to have a look, I can zip my patches and send them to you by
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