[hatari-devel] Execution history debugger command

Nicolas Pomarède npomarede at corp.free.fr
Sun May 29 23:24:10 CEST 2011

Le 29/05/2011 22:46, Miro Kropáček a écrit :
>     And Hatari debugger not being "marketed".
>     (I've commented about it on EmuTOS & MiNT mailing lists sometimes
>     when there
>     have been issues with which Hatari debugger might help, but I'm not
>     on any
>     of the Hatari forums where demo coders visit...)
> So true. I think I've got some of your emails starred in the inbox ("to
> check later") because I was always impressed what is possible with the
> debugger but then... I always see that strange syntax and fall back.
> Maybe some tutorials for us dummies would be cool, some popular use cases.

Well, I know it's a lot of work, but I really think something similar to 
the "Steem debug version" UI would be just great and would make all the 
available possibilities shine more than ever.

Steem really has a great UI when it comes to the debuger : multiple 
windows, click-and-set breakpoints, hexa/ascii dumps, ... All these 
functions are of course available in Hatari, but the UI really makes it 
so much powerful (something similar to the UI provided by MonST, with 
several sub windows in the same window, but really powerful to use in 
the end)


PS : for those who haven't tried it, just download Steem debug from 
Steem website and simply run it with Wine if you use Linux or OSX.

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