[hatari-devel] Filters utilized more effectively

David Savinkoff dsavnkff at telus.net
Mon May 16 00:08:01 CEST 2011

Hi Nicolas,

On May 15, 2011, Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede at corp.free.fr> wrote: 
> Hello
> I just applied your patch to the main source tree. Thanks again for it.
You're welcome.
> Just a small question regarding :
> +	/* Anti-alias filter is not required when nAudioFrequency == 50066 Hz */
> +	if (nAudioFrequency>50000 && nAudioFrequency<50100)
> Why don't you just use 	"if (nAudioFrequency==50066)" ?
 - A real Atari will not be exactly 50066 Hz
*(50066 is probably only an accepted nominal value).
 - Someone may wish to experiment with 50000.
 - 50066 is a prime number multiplied by 2.

BTW, options.c limits the sample frequency from 6000 to 50066 Hz
The enclosed testing patch references this (minor testing feature).

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