[hatari-devel] change to ikbd when writing to $fffc02

Laurent Sallafranque laurent.sallafranque at free.fr
Wed May 11 22:12:45 CEST 2011

Hi Nicolas,

I've done some tests on Falcon with some programs I suspected to contain 
errors relative to IKBD (expecially moongame.prg).
Nothing changed (no regression, no correction)



Le 11/05/2011 18:54, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
> Hello,
> after a fix was made to handle the game "uss john young" (on FOF54 for 
> example), the "Pandemonium Demos" was not working anymore, as some 
> commands could not be sent to the ikbd (the demo was stuck in an 
> endless loop).
> Looking at the code for uss john young, we have :
> 000041f4: 207c 0000 4146 303c 0003 MOVEA.L #$00004146,A0
> 000041fa: 303c 0003 0839 0001 ffff MOVE.W #$0003,D0
> 000041fe: 0839 0001 ffff fc00 6700 BTST.B #$0001,$fffffc00
> 00004206: 6700 fff6 13d8 ffff fc02 BEQ.W #$fff6 == 000041fe (FALSE)
> 0000420a: 13d8 ffff fc02 0839 0001 MOVE.B (A0)+,$fffffc02
> 00004210: 0839 0001 ffff fc00 6600 BTST.B #$0001,$fffffc00
> 00004218: 6600 fff6 51c8 ffe0 2039 BNE.W #$fff6 == 00004210 (TRUE)
> 0000421c: 51c8 ffe0 2039 0000 21ea DBF .W D0,#$ffe0 == 000041fe (FALSE)
> 00004146: 08 0c 0a 0a (IKBD_Cmd_RelMouseMode + Cmd_SetMouseScale)
> -> the games sends 2 commands to the ikbd ; it correctly checks that 
> bit 1 of $fffc00 is set to 0 (tx buffer full) to indicate the transfer 
> is happening, and then it checks bit 1 goes back to 1 to send the next 
> byte.
> Pandemonium Demos :
> 0008223a: 1018 11c0 fc02 0838 0001 MOVE.B (A0)+,D0
> 0008223c: 11c0 fc02 0838 0001 fc00 MOVE.B D0,$fffffc02
> 00082240: 0838 0001 fc00 67f4 1018 BTST.B #$0001,$fffffc00
> 00082246: 67f4 1018 b03c 00fb 66ec BEQ.B #$fffffff4 == 0008223c (TRUE)
> 00082248: 1018 b03c 00fb 66ec 4e75 MOVE.B (A0)+,D0
> 0008224a: b03c 00fb 66ec 4e75 48e7 CMP.B #$fb,D0
> 0008224e: 66ec 4e75 48e7 0202 46fc BNE.B #$ffffffec == 0008223c (FALSE)
> 00082250: 4e75 48e7 0202 46fc 2700 RTS.L
> 082234: 08 12 1a fb   IKBD_Cmd_RelMouseMode  IKBD_Cmd_TurnMouseOff 
> IKBD_Cmd_DisableJoysticks
> -> the demo write to $fffc02 and if bit 1 is 0, it writes the same 
> byte, until it is transfered.
> 1st, this code is wrong, writing the same byte again is pointless, you 
> just need to check bit 1 of SR, not sending the same byte again. 
> Fortunately, the ACIA uses some kind of double buffer, so once a 
> transfer is started, new writes to $fffc02 are ignored (else the 
> transfer would start from the beginning and it would be endless).
> But this means that once a byte is written to $fffc02, we must return 
> bit 1=0 until the whole byte is transfered, and we should then return 
> bit 1=1.
> Current code in the ikbd was doing a kind of mix of both values : 1st 
> time, it returned bit 1=0 (buffer full) and next times it returned bit 
> 1=1. But in the case of Pandemonium this didn't work, because the demo 
> writes again to $fffc02, so we restart from the beginning and bit 1 is 
> always 0.
> So, I added a timer similar to the one already presents when the ikbd 
> sends bytes to the 68000 : when writing to $fffc02, bit 1 is set to 0 
> (buffer full) and after ACIA_CYCLES, an internal timer will really 
> process the byte that was written in $fffc02 and set bit 1 to 1 (TX 
> buffer empty). During that time, other writes to $fffc02 will be ignored.
> A small random number needed to be added, as it seems the number of 
> cycles is not always constant (else Pandemonium can sometimes enter an 
> endless loop)
> This fixes Pandemonium Demos, as well as staying compatible with Uss 
> John Young. Don't hesitate to test some of your favorites games (fire 
> button, ...) to check this didn't break anything.
> PS : some new variables are not saved in memory snapshot for now, 
> because I don't want to break the structure. I will change this if no 
> regression occur.
> Nicolas
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