[hatari-devel] Videl strange behaviour in Hatari fullscrenn

Laurent Sallafranque laurent.sallafranque at free.fr
Sun Apr 17 23:57:48 CEST 2011


I've tried a little program called : overscan.prg
It has a set.prg (set overscan) and reset.prg (back to bordered display).

If I click on set.prg, Hatari window grows from 640*400 to 768*480) 
which is OK
But the desktop only displays 640*480 pixels. The right side and the 
bottom side are full white.

If I move the mouse from pixels 640 to 768 (X axis), I still see it 
If I maximize a window, it maximizes to 640*400, but if I move the 
window to the right, and I can click in the "white area" on the right, I 
can open the correct folder (which is not displayed, but is activable).

The same for the Y axis from pixel 400 to 480.

I've put some displays everywhere, all screen sizes are 768*480.
videl no zoom renderer computes 768 pixels (I'm running 8 bpp).

Last test : if I selest set.prg (go to overscan), then I refresh Atari's 
video, by switching to 40 colums and back to 80 colums for example, I've 
got a full 768*480 desktop.

Is it the same behaviour on a real falcon (need to switch video to 
"refresh" the desktop, or have we got a "non refreshed variable" in 
hatari that is only refreshed after a "video change from the desktop" ?



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