[hatari-devel] Wrong timestamp of copied files

Eero Tamminen oak at helsinkinet.fi
Wed Apr 13 23:27:31 CEST 2011


On perjantai 08 huhtikuu 2011, Anders Eriksson wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Apr 2011, Laurent Sallafranque wrote:
> > Thanks for the info.
> > I still haven't found where to download it.
> > Any help ?
> I belive this is the archive that was sent to me by Binder over a decade
> ago: http://files.dhs.nu/files_util/thing129.zip
> I think you need a 1.26 or 1.27 installation and use the 1.29 as an
> upgrade. ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/atari/sysutil/thin126d.lzh

I tried this, but when it starts it tells:
  Das modul THINGREG.OVL im startverzeichnis von Thing konnte nicht geladen
  werden! (TOS 14071972)

I.e. it couldn't load that file from the Thing startup directory.
And it complains about that module if I try to register Thing with the ACP
public key.

However, according to Hatari gemdos trace Thing opens the OVL file fine,
in read-only mode:
GEMDOS Fsfirst("C:\THING\thingreg.ovl", 0x17)
GEMDOS: C:\THING\thingreg.ovl -> host: .../thing/thingreg.ovl
GEMDOS Fsnext()
GEMDOS Pexec(5, ...)
GEMDOS Fopen("C:\THING\thingreg.ovl", 0x0)
GEMDOS: C:\THING\thingreg.ovl -> host: .../thing/thingreg.ovl
-> FD 0 (read-only)
GEMDOS Fread(64, 28, 0x1298ce)
GEMDOS Fread(64, 2147483647, 0x1298ea)
GEMDOS Fclose(64)
GEMDOS Pexec(6, ...)
GEMDOS call 0x0 (Pterm0)
GEMDOS call 0x112 (MiNT?)

thingreg.ovl is only 180 bytes.

Any ideas what goes wrong?  That's the only error I get at startup.

(Thing docs are in german, so I don't get much out of them.)

	- Eero

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