[hatari-devel] Some more demos that fail with 1.4

Eero Tamminen oak at helsinkinet.fi
Thu Mar 31 23:14:25 CEST 2011


On torstai 31 maaliskuu 2011, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
> > Is pSTscreen address taken from emulated RAM without checking that
> > the pointed screen actually is within the emulated RAM?
> possible, havent't checked that.
> > Hatari crash is much more serious than demo crash. :-)
> Yes, I agree that whatever the ST does, it should not crash Hatari, but
> regarding this special case, it takes too much time before it crashes
> for me and it's actually too hard to reproduce and track. I might try
> again later.

You could try something like this:
	$ gdb src/hatari
	(gdb) watch pSTScreen
	Watchpoint 1: pSTScreen
	(gdb) commands
	Type commands for when breakpoint 1 is hit, one per line.
	End with a line saying just "end".
	>bt 3
	>info locals
	(gdb) set pagination 0
	(gdb) run -z 1 --frameskip 8 --fast-forward yes --sound off --machine 
ste --tos tos162de.img mental_h.msa

This will trace all pSTScreen changes and print a small backtrace and local
variable values whenever it changes.  ("set pagination 0" avoids Gdb
stopping to request whether you want to see next page of output)

When I run it, it showed pSTScreen value just increasing until:
Old value = (Uint8 *) 0xb6ecad28 ""
New value = (Uint8 *) 0xb6ecadc8 ""
0x080d0d9d in Video_CopyScreenLineColor () at 
2217            pSTScreen += SCREENBYTES_LINE;
#0  0x080d0d9d in Video_CopyScreenLineColor () at 
#1  Video_EndHBL () at /home/eero/work/hatari/src/video.c:1589
#2  Video_InterruptHandler_HBL () at /home/eero/work/hatari/src/video.c:1438
STF_PixelScroll = 0
pVideoRasterEndLine = <value optimized out>
VideoOffset = 0
LineRes = 262144
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.

So the screen value just grew infinitely.  Next question is why it normally
doesn't grow infinitely and how to track that... :-)

> > It's a nice demo, maybe it should be listed in compat list? :-)
> I don't think we should list all "nice" demos ; pouet.net is full of
> demos, so unless there was a real compatibility problem with Hatari, I
> think it's not useful (and since it was fixed in 2008, I don't think
> it's worth mentioning it now)

OK.   For STE, TT and Falcon the compatibility list tries to list every game
that's available as there aren't that many of them, unlike demos (or ST

	- Eero

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