[hatari-devel] Falcon emu and STE compatibility (D-Bug games)

Eero Tamminen oak at helsinkinet.fi
Mon Feb 21 21:38:27 CET 2011


On maanantai 21 helmikuu 2011, Laurent Sallafranque wrote:
> Is it OK like this ?


Looking at the function that's called:
void IoMem_Init_FalconInSTeBuscompatibilityMode(Uint8 value)
     if (value == 0)
             falconBusMode = STE_BUS_COMPATIBLE;
             falconBusMode = FALCON_ONLY_BUS;

If there are only on/off values, boolean would be a bit more natural though:
void IoMem_Init_FalconInSTeBuscompatibilityMode(bool enabled)
     bFalconBusSteCompatible = enabled;

But this is starting to go to nitpicking... :-)

	- Eero

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