[hatari-devel] Falcon emu and STE compatibility (D-Bug games)

Laurent Sallafranque laurent.sallafranque at free.fr
Sat Feb 19 21:35:50 CET 2011

I did create this new function to know if I'm in Falcon mode or in STe mode.
I didn't want to add a parameter to io_mem_Init() and change the code 

Maybe I should ?

Or should I call IoMem_Init_FalconInSTEcompatibilityMode to set a 
"private" data in IoMem and then, use this date in ioMem_Init ?

(I prefer the second one)



Le 19/02/2011 15:10, Thomas Huth a écrit :
> Am Sat, 19 Feb 2011 14:44:30 +0100
> schrieb Laurent Sallafranque<laurent.sallafranque at free.fr>:
>> Hi,
>> I've uploaded source for full Ste bus compatibility mode (Falcon mode
>> only).
>> I didn't want to create a new ioMemTabFalconSteMode table (no need to
>> maintain 2 tables with the same parameters), so I've done it this way.
>> Don't hesitate to tell me if you would have preferred another way.
> I think it is ok to do it this way, but ... the two IoMem_Init*()
> functions are pretty much the same, except for the "Initialize STe
> bus specific registers for Falcon" for-loop block.
> Could you maybe merge that code block in the original IoMem_Init()
> function instead, so that we do not have so much duplicated code?
> Concerning the PSG shadow registers, I think they are not working on
> the Falcon in STE bus mode ... they just don't generate a bus error
> anymore when you try to access them in compatible bus mode.
>   Thomas
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