[hatari-devel] 68030 Debug mode and new CPU

Laurent Sallafranque laurent.sallafranque at free.fr
Tue Feb 15 21:24:53 CET 2011


> Which of the debug functions?
> I took a quick look at the cpu/newcpu.c and the part that allows
> breakpoints, disassembly tracing etc important stuff is there in
> cpu/newcpu.c::do_specialties():
>      if (regs.spcflags&  SPCFLAG_DEBUGGER)
>                  DebugCpu_Check();
> Doesn't that work?
I Think it doesn't.
If I enter "r", it should show me the registers

But it only shows me the latest instruction :
>  r
00E09CDC 2070 9800                MOVEA.L (A0, A1.L*1, $00) == $00e4da50,A0

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