[hatari-devel] Fwd: Falcon memory

Thomas Huth huth at users.berlios.de
Mon Feb 14 22:58:25 CET 2011

Am Mon, 14 Feb 2011 21:34:58 +0100
schrieb Laurent Sallafranque <laurent.sallafranque at free.fr>:

> Hi,
> I've finished to make some tests with the memory.
> It seems that only bits 1, 4 and 5 are used by the TOS on boot to 
> determine the amount of memory.
> Thomas, I'll base the final patch on your doc, as it seems to be the 
> most complete and the most realistic explanation.
> Just before I commit, do you prefer me to only include 1 Meg, 4 megs
> and 14 Megs or should I add also 512 Ko, 2 Mo and 8 Mo ? (As it seems 
> possible with TOS 4.04 to have all these memory size) ?

Since there is the possibility in the GUI to set these memory sizes, it
would be fine to have support for these sizes in this register, too, I
think ... so if it is not too much effort, yes, please implement this,


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