[hatari-devel] MacOsx: bad color in falcon mode

Nicolas Pomarède npomarede at corp.free.fr
Sun Feb 13 12:42:09 CET 2011

Le 13/02/2011 09:33, Jerome Vernet a écrit :

> And the last part (scrolling at the end) is not displayed correctly
> (garbage on the left), neither in Falcon nor STe mode. Do not remember
> if it was good one day...I think the music was better before, also.

For the garbage at the end, it's a known problem already discussed here 
; it only appears when using the HD file version, not with the floppy 
version. Certainly something not correctly handled in the hd 
emulation+gemdos, but as far as I remember, no one had a clue on what 
caused this.


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