[hatari-devel] New CPU, MacOsX Build

Laurent Sallafranque laurent.sallafranque at free.fr
Sat Jan 29 21:40:03 CET 2011

It works for me, BUT, I've encountered a problem similar to your's.
(I haven't searched for now).

I had to choose the demo directory of my gemdos harddrive, instead of 
the directory just upper.
Then it works well.

I can try to search why the gemdos "disk" doesn't work with my upper 
directory as the root.

Maybe you could try to create a little directory with just 1 demo into 
it, point the gemdos drive root into this directory  and tell me if this 
works ?


Le 29/01/2011 19:26, Jerome Vernet a écrit :
> Le 29/01/11 19:06, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
>> Hi Jerome,
>> Thanks for the OSX compil.
> You can find here the build (Intel Only, not yet managed a UB build 
> working for 10.5/PPC).
> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BVSD0PM0
>> You should remind that the new winUae core is for now Highly 
>> experimental.
>> I'm only working on the Falcon part of it for now.
>> Nicolas has not yet reimplemented all the Atari specific stuff he did 
>> for the ST emulation part.
> Look like there is hard work to do on the STe part.
> >For Falcon emulation, the best is to use the following parameters :
>> Machine type : Falcon
>> CPU type : 68030
>> CPU clock : 16 Mhz (some demos run only with 32 Mhz, see the 
>> compatibility list on hatari's site)
>> Falcon Dsp : full
> The GEMDOS drive emulation do not work, so I cannot test demos at 
> all... Disk C show in the GEM, but do not open (TOS 4.04).
> Jerome
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