[hatari-devel] New CPU, MacOsX Build

Laurent Sallafranque laurent.sallafranque at free.fr
Sat Jan 29 19:06:21 CET 2011

Hi Jerome,

Thanks for the OSX compil.

You should remind that the new winUae core is for now Highly experimental.
I'm only working on the Falcon part of it for now.
Nicolas has not yet reimplemented all the Atari specific stuff he did 
for the ST emulation part.

For the Falcon emulation, I get really good results with this new core.
(I still have some things to experiment and implement).
This version will change a lot in the next months.

But this new core version may not be as stable as the actual one is (in 
general and especially in ST emulation).
Any help with testing may speed up the development.

Don't forget also that I've not implemented all the winUae's CPUs : JIT, 
MMU or cycle exact emulation are not yet running. 68040 and 68060 
emulations have not yet been tested.

For Falcon emulation, the best is to use the following parameters :

Machine type : Falcon
CPU type : 68030
CPU clock : 16 Mhz (some demos run only with 32 Mhz, see the 
compatibility list on hatari's site)
Falcon Dsp : full

Cpu parameters :
24 bits : check
prefetch mode : check
cyc exact : don't check it for now, it's not implemented
Real time clock emu : check
Patch timer_d : not check
Blitter emu : check
MMU emulation : not check, (not implemented for now)

In the FPU part : choose CPU internal (I don't know if there's a 
difference with 68881 and 68882)
choose also more compatible, slower

I use 14 Meg for the memory.

Don't hesitate to tell me if some Falcon programs have regressed with 
the OldUae core version (I haven't noticed any regression for now).


Le 29/01/2011 16:55, Jerome Vernet a écrit :
> Hi,
> If anybody want, I made a fresh build for MacOsX, using the new CPU. 
> Build perfectly with CMake, not my XCode project.
>  I have some issues :bad color when switching from/to full screen, 
> Hatari sometime quit when something change in the config panel (native 
> Hatari UI, not MacOsX one, hard disk emulation sometime not functionnal.
> But, with some configuration (wich may be very classic, like Atari 
> STe), Hatari totally hang, for example with the config attached. This 
> configuration work wth a previous build of Hatari.
> Jerome
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