[hatari-devel] MP2 question
Tomas Skäre
tomas.skare at gmail.com
Sun Jan 23 17:50:54 CET 2011
Hi Laurent,
I'm the correct Tomas (I changed my last name many years ago).
I don't really remember the details about this, since I haven't used the
Atari in about 10 years. I do remember that there were some strange
things with the transferring, though.
After looking at the compensating code for some time now, I will try to
explain the logic behind the code. Basically, the data is shifted two
bits to the left after the transfer.
I assume that you know some about how the registers in the DSP work.
> movep X:<<M_RX,A
When reading from the DMA (M_RX), the data ends up in the high
16 bits of A1.
A = 00:ffff00:000000
> lsr A
> lsr A Y:DMA_r_state,x0
A is shifted two bits to the right, and the left-over bits from the previous
transfer is fetched into x0, only the highest two bits are set.
A = 00:3fffc0:000000
x0 = c00000
> or x0,A #>$010000,x1
Previous left-over bits are OR:ed together with the new 16-bits and x1 is
set to a special multiple value. This is used to divide by 128 later, and is
essentially just a faster way of shifting down a value.
A = 00:ffffc0:000000
> lsr A
I'm really not sure why this is done instead of multiplying by 008000 (i.e.
divide by 256) instead, but I probably had a good reason back then. Might
have something to do with losing bit precision.
A = 00:7fffe0:000000
> move A1,x0
A = 00:7fffe0:000000
x0 = 7fffe0
> mpy x0,x1,A #>$ffff,x0
Divide x0 by 128 and store in A. Also set x0 to 00ffff after the multiply.
A = 00:00ffff:c00000
> and x0,A A0,Y:DMA_r_state
Store the shifted two bits into Y:DMA_r_state for the next round.
AND A with 00ffff in case bits from A2 has been shifted down.
> move A1,x0
Move the resulting 16-bit value into x0.
So, after the code, x0 contains the correct 16-bit value to use for
the decoder, and Y:DMA_r_state contains the upper two bits that
should be OR:ed together with the next fetched value.
For your example words, I think it will work like this:
>From CPU: $abcd, $1234, $9876
To DSP: $af34, $48d2, $61d8
Note that the top 2 bits from the first 16-bit word are lost here.
For this reason, I think that our DSP player always sent $0000
as first value. That first $0000 would then contain the two lowest
bits from the next value.
The last 16-bit word ($61d8) also assumes that the two extra bits
are zero in this example, but in reality it depends on what comes
after it.
Compare the bit strings:
>From CPU:
abcd12349876 = 101010111100110100010010001101001001100001110110
af3448d261d8 = 101011110011010001001000110100100110000111011000
I hope this helps you. I've tried hatari a bit, and think you are doing
a great job!
On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 13:09, LAURENT SALLAFRANQUE
<laurent.sallafranque at arkea.com> wrote:
> Hi Tomas,
> I've spent some time on the DSP MPEG audio layer 2 player a few days ago to let it run under Hatari emulator.
> Actually, it doesn't work because transfers between DMA and DSP (crossbar) are using a non documented function.
> (A melt between handshake and non-handshake mode at the same time).
> From what I understand, datas are shifted while sent from the DMA play to the DSP receive transfer.
> In the DSP code, I can read :
> ; Read 16 bits from DMA and
> ; perform special bit-shifting
> ; to compensate for read skewness.
> bset #4,X:<<M_PCD ; Start frame sync.
> _wait jclr #7,X:<<M_SR,_wait ; RDF
> bclr #4,X:<<M_PCD ; Stop frame sync.
> movep X:<<M_RX,A
> lsr A
> lsr A Y:DMA_r_state,x0
> or x0,A #>$010000,x1
> lsr A
> move A1,x0
> mpy x0,x1,A #>$ffff,x0
> and x0,A A0,Y:DMA_r_state
> move A1,x0
> First 4 instructions are waiting a sync data on the SSI port.
> Last 8 instructions "compensate" an undocumented function.
> I'd like to implement this undocumented transfer into Hatari's emulator to have the player running.
> Could anybody tell me (with an example if possible) what exactly happens on the real hardware for this transfer mode ?
> For example, if I want to transfer 3 words :
> $abcd
> $1234
> $9876
> how are they received via the SSI port before the special bit shifting ?
> I understand that "A1" register contains the original data which has just been decoded and DMA_r_state contains the "A0" part of the data which is used to decode the next transmitted data.
> Thanks in advance.
> PS : the one who wrote this is Tomas Berndtsson, <tomas at nocrew.org> from NoBrain/NoCrew
> I've emailed him, but if you know him or if you think you can help me here, this would be great.
> Thanks,
> Regards
> Laurent
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