[hatari-devel] MP2 question

LAURENT SALLAFRANQUE laurent.sallafranque at arkea.com
Fri Jan 21 13:09:30 CET 2011

Hi Tomas,

I've spent some time on the DSP MPEG audio layer 2 player a few days ago to let it run under Hatari emulator.

Actually, it doesn't work because transfers between DMA and DSP (crossbar) are using a non documented function.
(A melt between handshake and non-handshake mode at the same time).

>From what I understand, datas are shifted while sent from the DMA play to the DSP receive transfer.

In the DSP code, I can read :

	; Read 16 bits from DMA and
	; perform special bit-shifting
	; to compensate for read skewness.
	bset	#4,X:<<M_PCD        ; Start frame sync.
_wait	jclr	#7,X:<<M_SR,_wait   ; RDF
	bclr	#4,X:<<M_PCD        ; Stop frame sync.
	movep	X:<<M_RX,A

	lsr	A
	lsr	A        Y:DMA_r_state,x0
	or	x0,A     #>$010000,x1
	lsr	A
	move	A1,x0
	mpy	x0,x1,A  #>$ffff,x0
	and	x0,A     A0,Y:DMA_r_state
	move	A1,x0

First 4 instructions are waiting a sync data on the SSI port.
Last 8 instructions "compensate" an undocumented function.

I'd like to implement this undocumented transfer into Hatari's emulator to have the player running.

Could anybody tell me (with an example if possible) what exactly happens on the real hardware for this transfer mode ?

For example, if I want to transfer 3 words :


how are they received via the SSI port before the special bit shifting ?

I understand that "A1" register contains the original data which has just been decoded and DMA_r_state contains the "A0" part of the data which is used to decode the next transmitted data.

Thanks in advance.

PS : the one who wrote this is Tomas Berndtsson, <tomas at nocrew.org> from NoBrain/NoCrew
I've emailed him, but if you know him or if you think you can help me here, this would be great.



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