[hatari-devel] Memory, Falcon and TT (24 vs 32 bits computers)

Nicolas Pomarède npomarede at corp.free.fr
Wed Jan 19 12:32:35 CET 2011

Le 19/01/2011 12:28, Miro Kropáček a écrit :
>     I don't think that will be a problem, as far as I know the Falcon is
>     limited to 14 MB (which is below 24 bits), so for all atari Machine
>     a 24 bits mask is enough
> Wait, wait, how limited, don't cut us CT60 users/coders ;-)

Well, we're not there yet, this will be the icing on the cake, but 
latter :)  Better to focus on "regular" Atari for now, we can improve 
for CT60 after

> Btw don't forget access to $ffff9200.w and similar is done thanks to MMU
> translation.
> --
> MiKRO / Mystic Bytes
> http://mikro.atari.org
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