[hatari-devel] Memory, Falcon and TT (24 vs 32 bits computers)

LAURENT SALLAFRANQUE laurent.sallafranque at arkea.com
Wed Jan 19 11:33:51 CET 2011


While trying to let run hatari's new core, I see that for 68020 and upper CPUs the memory it taken into account in 32 bits and not 24 bits.

A quick look at iomem, ioMemTabFalcon, ioMemTabTT, and probably some other parts of the code shows me that all addresses are coded in 24 bits ($FF8000 instead of $FFFF8000).

There's also a variable for taking this into account in WinUae CPU : currprefs.address_space_24. 

There's also a mask : regs.address_space_mask = 0xffffffff (32 bits) or regs.address_space_mask = 0x00ffffff (24 bits)

I think we'll need to adapt the actual uae-cpu code to take this into account if we want to be able to keep the 2 CPU's in the same branch.

At least, changing all the IOmemTab... addresses to have all of them in 32 bits (also for the ST ?) and apply the memory mask for each memory call ?

Any advise ? 


Laurent Sallafranque

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