[hatari-devel] Falcon mode enabling DSP by default

Eero Tamminen oak at helsinkinet.fi
Sun Jan 16 19:03:10 CET 2011


On lauantai 15 tammikuu 2011, Eero Tamminen wrote:
> However I get different results with these:
> 	hatari --machine falcon --dsp emu --tos tos404.img mahabhar.prg
> 	hatari --tos tos404.img mahabhar.prg
> With latter the Mahabharata demo doesn't work.

Adding "--dsp emu" was enough to get latter working so it's something
DSP emulation related.

(And using just memory snapshot works fine too except for keyboard
handling discussed in the other thread.)

> Btw. I noticed that DSP isn't reseted in Reset_ST() although e.g.
> Crossbar and Videl are reseted there.  Should it be?
> Currently it's reseted:
> - before memory snapshot is loaded
> - from psg.c
> - by TOS4 on startup I think (but not EmuTOS I guess)

Adding DSP_Reset() to Reset_ST() wasn't enought to fix it.

> In the latter case these happen in main.c:
>         SDLGui_Init();
>         Printer_Init();
>         RS232_Init();
>         Midi_Init();
>         Screen_Init();
>         Main_SetTitle(NULL);
>         HostScreen_Init();
>         DSP_Init();
>         Floppy_Init();
>         M68000_Init();                /* Init CPU emulation */
>         Audio_Init();
>         DmaSnd_Init();
>         Keymap_Init();
>         /* Init HD emulation */
>         HDC_Init();
>         Ide_Init();
>         GemDOS_Init();
> before TOS4 setting forces these:
>                 ConfigureParams.System.nDSPType = DSP_TYPE_EMU;
>                 ConfigureParams.System.nMachineType = MACHINE_FALCON;
>                 ConfigureParams.System.nCpuFreq = 16;
>                 IoMem_Init();
>                 ConfigureParams.System.nCpuLevel = 3;
>                 M68000_CheckCpuLevel();
> Does the stuff done in main.c before this have anything that could depend
> from the above falcon setting?

But adding DSP_Init() call when TOS4 forces switch to Falcon mode fixed
this so I commited it.

Starting with ST mode, using TOS4 to switch it to Falcon mode and after
running Mahabharata demo using TOS v1.4 to switch Hatari back to ST mode
results in colors being wrong.  Changing to mono monitor and back to RGB
monitor fixed that though... (I'm not going to look into that, it's too much
fo a corner case :))

	- Eero

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