[hatari-devel] Mahabharata demo problem ?
Eero Tamminen
oak at helsinkinet.fi
Sun Jan 16 10:31:38 CET 2011
On sunnuntai 16 tammikuu 2011, Miro Kropáček wrote:
> > If scanline register value is 320, and bpp gets set to 1 instead of 16:
> > -> width = 5120
> >
> > And indeed when I traced changes in all of these registers:
> > b (0xff8210).w ! (0xff8210).w :trace
> > b (0xff8266).w ! (0xff8266).w :trace
> > b (0xff8260).b ! (0xff8260).b :trace
In case somebody's unfamiliar with Hatari debugger, here's an explanation
for above:
* When the expression on both sides of the inequality comparison ("!") are
exactly the same, the breakpoint happens when the result of that
expression changes.
* ":trace" means that it's a "tracing" breakpoint which just prints that
breakpoint was hit, it doesn't stop the execution.
In second breakpoint the expression is value of word at address $0xff8266.
(This is explained in the Hatari manual.)
Btw. A new thing in latest Hatari (after v1.4 release) is that you can even
script what happens on breakpoints. Set an ":info" breakpoint and use
the "lock" command to cause info to be a debugger script executed from
a given file.
("info" command can show different kind of informations, "lock" command
causes that information to be shown whenever you enter the debugger,
like happens on breakpoints.)
Debugger scripts can do anything that one can do in the debugger otherwise,
get disassembly, set and remove breakpoints etc.
> > Whenever the window goes too wide, I see:
> > $ff8266 = $400
> >
> > 2. CPU breakpoint condition(s) matched 1 times.
> > WARNING: too large screen size 5120x240 -> divided by 4x1!
> >
> > $ff8266 = $100
> If you can post real disassembly, I can help you with that, I understand
> Videl registers quite well. I'm too stupid to get the idea from this
> trace outputs :)
Well, it only says that $ff8266 was set to $400, after that the resolution
was too wide and after that $ff8266 was set back to $100. It doesn't
even tell how much time there was between these instructions.
> I'm personally very interested, what / why they do
> here, they are/were beginners in Falcon coding, so I'm really surprised
> they didn't use Evil's demosequencer or something similar for Videl
> init. Maybe they found some neat trick!
Toons Yepyha has also similar strange resolution changes.
Here's disassembly around the point when 2-color resolution is set:
$01cc3e : 4e75 rts
$01cc40 : 4a39 0002 0633 tst.b $20633
$01cc46 : 6708 beq.s $1cc50
$01cc48 : 41e8 0024 lea $24(a0),a0
$01cc4c : 2010 move.l (a0),d0
$01cc4e : 6756 beq.s $1cca6
$01cc50 : 23c8 0002 061a move.l a0,$2061a
$01cc56 : 2018 move.l (a0)+,d0
$01cc58 : 31d8 8210 move.w (a0)+,$ffff8210.w
$01cc5c : 5448 addq.w #2,a0
$01cc5e : 7400 moveq #0,d2
$01cc60 : 43f8 8200 lea $ffff8200.w,a1
$01cc64 : 3358 0082 move.w (a0)+,$82(a1)
$01cc68 : 3358 0084 move.w (a0)+,$84(a1)
$01cc6c : 3358 0086 move.w (a0)+,$86(a1)
$01cc70 : 3358 0088 move.w (a0)+,$88(a1)
$01cc74 : 3358 008a move.w (a0)+,$8a(a1)
$01cc78 : 3358 008c move.w (a0)+,$8c(a1)
$01cc7c : 3342 008e move.w d2,$8e(a1)
$01cc80 : 3342 0090 move.w d2,$90(a1)
$01cc84 : 3358 00a2 move.w (a0)+,$a2(a1)
$01cc88 : 3358 00a4 move.w (a0)+,$a4(a1)
$01cc8c : 3358 00a6 move.w (a0)+,$a6(a1)
$01cc90 : 3358 00a8 move.w (a0)+,$a8(a1)
$01cc94 : 3358 00aa move.w (a0)+,$aa(a1)
$01cc98 : 3358 00ac move.w (a0)+,$ac(a1)
$01cc9c : 3358 00c0 move.w (a0)+,$c0(a1)
$01cca0 : 3358 00c2 move.w (a0)+,$c2(a1)
$01cca4 : 4e75 rts
$01cca6 : 50f9 0002 063d st $2063d
$01ccac : 41f9 0002 0676 lea $20676,a0
$01ccb2 : 23c8 0002 0636 move.l a0,$20636
$01ccb8 : 588f addq.l #4,sp
$01ccba : 6000 0e08 bra $1dac4
$01ccbe : 21fc 0000 0000 9800 move.l #0,$ffff9800.w
$01ccc6 : 21fc 0000 0000 9804 move.l #0,$ffff9804.w
$01ccce : 31fc 0400 8266 move.w #$400,$ffff8266.w
$01ccd4 : 4e75 rts
$01ccd6 : 31fc 0100 8266 move.w #$100,$ffff8266.w
$01ccdc : 4e75 rts
2-color mode is set at $01ccce and a jump there is at $01cc4e.
Here's what's done where the code branched:
> disasm $1dac4
$01dac4 : 46fc 2700 move #$2700,sr
$01dac8 : 4a39 0002 0632 tst.b $20632
$01dace : 671e beq.s $1daee
$01dad0 : 3039 0002 0634 move.w $20634,d0
$01dad6 : 6606 bne.s $1dade
$01dad8 : 6100 fd16 bsr $1d7f0
$01dadc : 6010 bra.s $1daee
$01dade : 0c40 0002 cmpi.w #2,d0
$01dae2 : 6706 beq.s $1daea
$01dae4 : 6100 fcf0 bsr $1d7d6
$01dae8 : 6004 bra.s $1daee
$01daea : 6100 fcd0 bsr $1d7bc
$01daee : 6100 fe6c bsr $1d95c
$01daf2 : 4a39 0014 cdfb tst.b $14cdfb
$01daf8 : 6704 beq.s $1dafe
$01dafa : 6100 0198 bsr $1dc94
$01dafe : 103c 0008 move.b #8,d0
$01db02 : 6100 f8ba bsr $1d3be
$01db06 : 6100 f8a6 bsr $1d3ae
$01db0a : 46fc 2300 move #$2300,sr
$01db0e : 4a39 0002 063d tst.b $2063d
$01db14 : 671a beq.s $1db30
$01db16 : 2f39 0002 0636 move.l $20636,-(sp)
$01db1c : 3f3c 0009 move.w #9,-(sp)
$01db20 : 4e41 trap #1
$01db22 : 5c8f addq.l #6,sp
$01db24 : 3f3c 0007 move.w #7,-(sp)
$01db28 : 4e41 trap #1
$01db2a : 548f addq.l #2,sp
$01db2c : 4a80 tst.l d0
$01db2e : 67f4 beq.s $1db24
$01db30 : 2039 0001 db3e move.l $1db3e,d0
$01db36 : 6100 f0e4 bsr $1cc1c
$01db3a : 4267 clr.w -(sp)
$01db3c : 4e41 trap #1
$01db3e : 0000 8870 ori.b #$70,d0
$01db42 : 4a10 tst.b (a0)
$01db44 : 6b48 bmi.s $1db8e
$01db46 : 613e bsr.s $1db86
$01db48 : 0838 0001 a202 btst #1,$ffffa202.w
$01db4e : 67f8 beq.s $1db48
$01db50 : 21c0 a204 move.l d0,$ffffa204.w
$01db54 : 6130 bsr.s $1db86
$01db56 : 0838 0001 a202 btst #1,$ffffa202.w
$01db5c : 67f8 beq.s $1db56
$01db5e : 21c0 a204 move.l d0,$ffffa204.w
$01db62 : 6122 bsr.s $1db86
$01db64 : 0838 0001 a202 btst #1,$ffffa202.w
$01db6a : 67f8 beq.s $1db64
$01db6c : 21c0 a204 move.l d0,$ffffa204.w
$01db70 : 2200 move.l d0,d1
$01db72 : 6112 bsr.s $1db86
$01db74 : 0838 0001 a202 btst #1,$ffffa202.w
$01db7a : 67f8 beq.s $1db74
$01db7c : 21c0 a204 move.l d0,$ffffa204.w
$01db80 : 5381 subq.l #1,d1
$01db82 : 66ee bne.s $1db72
$01db84 : 60bc bra.s $1db42
$01db86 : 7000 moveq #0,d0
$01db88 : 1018 move.b (a0)+,d0
$01db8a : 4840 swap d0
$01db8c : 3018 move.w (a0)+,d0
$01db8e : 4e75 rts
Getting a trace of the whole instruction flow so that we would know
exactly what happens before this register is set isn't so easy because
setting of the 2-color mode happens very rarely so the trace would
be monstrous in size.
- Eero
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