[hatari-devel] WinAUE changes

Laurent Sallafranque laurent.sallafranque at free.fr
Sat Jan 15 15:10:29 CET 2011

I agree with Nicolas' analyse.
It's exactly that.

They've added a new level of compatibility with Cycle_Exact.

The code for this is mainly in custom.c (I've probably cleaned it too 
much to have the new core compiling for hatari, but the 2/4 cycles code 
is here in the Amiga code).


Le 15/01/2011 14:20, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
> Le 15/01/2011 13:43, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> I was looking at options.c and noticed these:
>> -----------------------------
>>          { OPT_COMPATIBLE, NULL, "--compatible",
>>            "<bool>", "Use a more compatible (but slower) 68000 CPU 
>> mode" },
>>          { OPT_CPU_CYCLE_EXACT, NULL, "--cpu-exact",
>>            "<bool>", "Cpu cycle exact emulation (0 = no ; 1 = yes)" },
>> #endif
>> -----------------------------
>> Why WinAUE uses differently named option for this, aren't both of these
>> about the same thing?
> I think "more compatible" is what we have now (better prefetch, 
> correct number of cycles and a few other things), while "cpu cycle 
> exact" could be the mode where each instruction is splitted in its 
> respective 2/4 cycles with the possibility to check dma/bus/... during 
> the decoding of a whole instruction (this would need to be checked in 
> the code, but I think it's the case)
> Nicolas
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