[hatari-devel] DSP togging

Eero Tamminen oak at helsinkinet.fi
Wed Jan 12 22:50:02 CET 2011


On keskiviikko 12 tammikuu 2011, Laurent Sallafranque wrote:
> Btw. Why toggling WinAUE CPU cycle accuracy would need reset:
>          /* Did change CPU cycle exact? */
>          if (changed->System.bCycleExactCpu != current-
> > System.bCycleExactCpu)
> I've implemented quickly this part of code with WinUae CPU.
> There's still some work to do on this CPU.

Yes, but why toggling cycle acccuracy needs emulation reboot with
WinAUE core although it's not done with AUE core?

Is there some extra state that's actually visible inside emulation?

> I wish we could all work on this for the next 2 month and remove
> definitively the old uae core.

If old UAE core is noticeably faster I think it makes sense to retain
that as long as it works fine...

> Fell free to ameliorate everything you think worth it in WinUae core.
> I'll return into this code in 1 or 2 weeks (I've returned into the DSP
> for a few more tests).

	- Eero

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