[hatari-devel] DSP togging

Laurent Sallafranque laurent.sallafranque at free.fr
Wed Jan 12 22:44:23 CET 2011

Btw. Why toggling WinAUE CPU cycle accuracy would need reset:
         /* Did change CPU cycle exact? */
         if (changed->System.bCycleExactCpu != current-

> System.bCycleExactCpu)

I've implemented quickly this part of code with WinUae CPU.
There's still some work to do on this CPU.

I wish we could all work on this for the next 2 month and remove 
definitively the old uae core.

Fell free to ameliorate everything you think worth it in WinUae core.

I'll return into this code in 1 or 2 weeks (I've returned into the DSP 
for a few more tests).



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