[hatari-devel] DSP external Memory timings fixed

Laurent Sallafranque laurent.sallafranque at free.fr
Tue Jan 11 22:37:42 CET 2011

No, the 2nd patch doesn't change the problem with Aura Illusion Demo.

It's more Strange, I explain :

I've started again from the latest Mercurial sources.

I've launched 5 times illusion demo (I quit completely hatari between 
each try).

- 3 times, sound was horrible (I quit and reload hatari without waiting).
- 1 time, sound was "nearly perfect" (some very little glitches 
sometimes), demo freezed near the beginning (flat 3d cubes)
- 1 time, sound was perfect (no glitches). I can see the demo until the 
3D Gouraud cubes (much more "demo time" than before).

So, I run the same program under hatari (without recompiling anything) 
and it doesn't react the same way each time.

I don't know what to think aboout this.

(My second patch seemed better with Eko demos, I'll reverify again by 
launching them 5 or 6 times with and without patch)



Le 11/01/2011 22:20, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
>> Aura's "E.X.Illusion"?  Although later in the demo there's 40% free CPU,
>> this has pretty horrible sound even tthen and eventually the demo gets
>> (still) stuck for me.
> Yes, I agree for the horrible sound.
> SO, PLEASE, try my second patch and tell me what you think of it .
> Regards
> Laurent
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