[hatari-devel] Console I/O on Windows

Eero Tamminen oak at helsinkinet.fi
Wed Jan 5 19:44:52 CET 2011


On tiistai 04 tammikuu 2011, Vincent Rivière wrote:
> But if you change the subsystem to 02 (or compile with -mwindows)
> everything work fine :-)
> If you double-click hatari.exe, there is no ugly console opened by
> default. If you make a shortcut to "hatari.exe -D", you get a console,
> debug output, and the debugger.

"-D" option cannot have an effect like that.  It only sets a flag that 
causes debugger to be invoked when CPU core encounters certain
types of exceptions.

Nowadays that Hatari has --parse option for setting breakpoints immediately
at Hatari startup, it's mostly obsolete (it was used to catch things like
bus errors on TOS startup).

	- Eero

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