[hatari-devel] Slow sound buffer

David Savinkoff dsavnkff at telus.net
Mon Jan 3 09:06:18 CET 2011


I have tested and solved this problem on my system with hatari 1.4.0
and the latest sources.

In audio.c :
SoundBufferSize = desiredAudioSpec.size;
SoundBufferSize /= 4;

Is replaced with:
SoundBufferSize = desiredAudioSpec.samples;

I believe the intention now agrees with the result (as it still works) :)

In sound.c :
MixBuffer[][] latency is now controlled.

The change here is what controls the sound latency without
compromising sound quality. I now get tactile sound response
from the keys when i use tos206.us (60 Hz) at any sampling rate.

For approx 16 millisecond response I use:
hatari --sound-buffer-size 16

or place:
nSdlAudioBufferSize = 16
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