[hatari-devel] WinUae CPU for hatari

Eero Tamminen eerot at users.berlios.de
Sun Nov 7 20:39:04 CET 2010


On Sunday 07 November 2010, Miro Kropacek wrote:
> > Doesn't VC support compiling _standard_ C-code, or were you referring
> > to some version of VC from the previous century?  :-)
> Yes, VC++ is not C99 compliant (only C89, they decided to focus on C++
> instead of 'backporting' booleans and local declarations into C). It's
> possible this header file is present but from my experience, it is not
> (VS2008, if my memory isn't corrupted). Maybe this file is included
> locally?

Last year Vaughan Kaufman contributed support for Visual Studio 6.
Visual.Studio/VisualStudioFix.h has this part:
#if defined(_VCWIN_)
        #define STATIC_INLINE   static __inline
        #define GLOB_ONLYDIR 0

        #include <io.h>
        #include <direct.h>
        #include <stdbool.h>
        #include <tchar.h>

So it would seem that at least earlier version had stdbool.h.  As Microsoft
is well known for backwards (even bug-for-bug) compatibility, it would seem
strange that they would break something like this in later VS version...

	- Eero

(With the proprietary Microsoft compilers/environments we don't have, it's
the same as with the proprietary Apple compilers/environments we don't have,
somebody having them needs to test & provide patches for them.)

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