[hatari-devel] Tracing AES calls with the existing VDI code?

Nicolas Pomarède npomarede at corp.free.fr
Tue Oct 12 20:54:03 CEST 2010

Le 12/10/2010 20:13, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
> Hi,
> I was thinking of adding AES call tracing functionality to vdi.c
> and modify newcpu.c from this:
> ----------
>      /* Intercept VDI exception (Trap #2 with D0 = 0x73) */
>      if (ExceptionSource == M68000_EXC_SRC_CPU)
>        {
>          if(bUseVDIRes&&  nr == 0x22&&  regs.regs[0] == 0x73)
>          {
>            if(!VDI())
> ----------
> To either this:
> ----------
>      /* Intercept VDI (D0 = 0x73)&  AES (D0 = 0xC8) exceptions (Trap #2) */
>      if (ExceptionSource == M68000_EXC_SRC_CPU)
>        {
>          if(bUseVDIRes&&  nr == 0x22&&
>             (regs.regs[0] == 0x73 || regs.regs[0] == 0xC8))
>          {
>            if(!VDI_AES_Entry())
>            {
> ----------
> Or do the D0 checking in the renamed VDI_AES_Entry() function as I anyway
> need to do it there.   Exceptions (for trap#2) should be so rare that few
> possible extra calls to that function should be a problem (which are done
> only when extended VDI resultion is used) and the AES stuff will be used
> only if tracing is enabled (at build&  run-time).
> Aditionally I thought to do these renamings:
> * VDI() ->  VDI_AES_Entry()
> * VDI_Complete() ->  VDI_AES_Complete()
> * VDI_OldPC ->  VID_AES_OldPC
> And of course add the stuff needed for tracing the AES calls with
> the right names.
> Any objections for this?


regarding the modification in newcpu.c, I don't have any objection as it 
won't really slow the emulation since, as you said, it will only happen 
in the trap #2 case that is already present.

> Also, what this commented out code in VDI() is/was for:
> ----------
>          /*
>          OpCode = STMemory_ReadWord(Control);
>          // Check OpCode
>          // 8 - Text Font
>          if (OpCode==9)
>          {
>                  return true;
>          }
>          */
> ----------
> Can it be removed?

Can't say, I don't know this part.


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