[hatari-devel] Some problems in the latest build

Jerome Vernet vernet.jerome at wanadoo.fr
Thu Sep 9 22:42:39 CEST 2010


As usual, it's for the MacOsX version, X86_64 build.

Le 09/09/10 22:29, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
> Hi,
> On Thursday 09 September 2010, Jerome Vernet wrote:
>> I have 2 problems with the latest repository:
>> - GEMDOS emulation seem to be broken.  Emulated Falcon won't boot
>> anymore.
> On quick testing seems to work&  boot fine for me.
Not here,see screen copy joigned to this mail. It show both problem: the 
falcon stay to this screen and the yellow background when flipping from 
full to windowed. Hatari run, as when I try to debug, it's in the 68k part.
>> I only have this in the logs:
>>    Hatari devel (Sep  9 2010), compiled on:  Sep  9 2010, 22:07:40
>>    Support for Hatari window reparenting not built in
>>    Building CPU table for configuration: 68EC040 (compatible mode)
> Falcon isn't 040. What TOS version do you use?
TOS 4.04. Same thing in 68030 mode. I also put my hatari.cfg file in the 

>>    GEMDOS HDD emulation, C:<->
>> /Users/jeromevernet/Desktop/Emulateurs/Atari ST/hdd3.
>> - when flipping from windowed to full screen, screen goes yellow.
>> Reset=>Ok, back to windowed mode=>yellow background.
>> Don't when this was broken, as it's my first build for a long time.
> 	- Eero
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