[hatari-devel] Bugs and GUI (Was: Little AceTracker question)

Anders Eriksson ae at dhs.nu
Sun Jul 18 10:01:00 CEST 2010

On Sun, 18 Jul 2010, Eero Tamminen wrote:

> Thanks!  That looks pretty good. :-)
> It's basically a tabbed interface with tab scrolling done a bit
> unconventionally (usually arrows for scrolling tabs are at the tab
> row/column ends, but in your design they would take more space and with this
> many items, having tabs at top would've been less useful so your design is
> better).


having a sidebar with scroll-list isn't unconventional, it exists in most 
modern IDEs for for instance.

Here are some examples:


> Usability:
> Looks:
> Implementation issues:

Now my textfile wasn't THAT serious, it was only an example how the 
small SDL-GUI could implement more options.

> Could somebody post screenshots of what the all OSX UI tabs look like?
> Hatari screenshots page has only few of them and I think they're out of
> date:
> 	http://hatari.berlios.de/scrshots3.html

Those are not from the latest version, but the looks are quite the same.
Anyway here are snaps from all parts of Hatari 1.4.0 on OS X:


Anders Eriksson
ae at dhs.nu     http://www.dhs.nu/
ae at atari.org  http://www.atari.org/

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