[hatari-devel] Debugger address base

npomarede at corp.free.fr npomarede at corp.free.fr
Thu Jul 30 22:39:16 CEST 2009

On Thu, 30 Jul 2009, Eero Tamminen wrote:

> Hi,
> On Thursday 30 July 2009, npomarede at corp.free.fr wrote:
>> On Thu, 30 Jul 2009, Eero Tamminen wrote:
>>> On my part AFAIK no, unless you come up with some other issues with
>>> the new debugger stuff. :-)
>> I used it lately, and I think it's strange now that addresses used after
>> 'd' or 'm' commands are decimal. Is it possible to make hexa the default
>> for addresses use with 'd', 'm' and other commands involving an address,
> So that would be "a", "d", "l", "m", "s", "w", "da", "dd", "dm" commands
> i.e. switching about all commands back to hex?
>> but to keep decimal as the default type for "content" value ?
> Hm.  I find it more natural & faster to enter data as hex...  There can be
> much more content to enter and if debugger accepts all bases for "content",
> one would then need to add '$' for all values.  But I guess one could use
> "l"(oad)  if there's more data...

I guess it depends, I sometimes also feels it more useful to enter data as 
hex and sometimes as decimal. As you say, defaulting to hex is not a 
problem, but we need to define a prefix to force the value to decimal.

> Anyway, I think it might be better to have an option for forcing all numbers
> lacking prefix to be interpreted in certain number base.  The new "value"
> command could for example accept special "dec", "hex" and "bin" argument for
> switching this.  The debugger prompt could show this mode.
> In the config file this option could be named e.g. NumberInputBase.  But
> what should be the prefix used for decimal numbers when non-the prefixed
> input is being interpreted as hex or binary?

Yes, that's what I wondered too :) Maybe we could use '+' or '#' ?

>> So to write $1234 at adress $20000, you would use :
>> w 20000 $12 $34
>> And to set D0 to $1234 :
>> r D0=$1234
>> What do others think ?
> 	- Eero

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